Acquiring proficiency in English Language through Video recordings

Acquiring proficiency in English Language through Video recordings




English, ICT, ESL, Social Media


21st century is the century of knowledge, information and technology. The advent of Web 3.0 in education has opened up the new horizons for the effective process of teaching and learning by using ICT approaches. The four static walls of the classrooms have been transformed by the dynamic Facebook walls. Education has been redefined as to learn, unlearn and relearn. Learners have been more intelligent as a generation than before. A great number of quality researches are being carried out by the researchers focusing on how a second language can be acquired with the help of ICT approaches. The concept of blended learning has come in to practice. Social Media being transformed as Academic Media has overcome the limitation of time and place for imparting education along with the pace of learning. The learners are free from time, place and pace of learning. When there is almost
nothing which cannot be answered by Google, the role of teacher is changed from a teacher to a facilitator rather a mentor. In this 21st century, the teacher will have to be accoutered with technology to cater the learners and their need. This paper focuses the core idea why learners fail to acquire proficiency in English as a second language. The objective of the present study is to explore effective use of ICT approaches in acquiring proficiency in English as a second Language.


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 Barnett, R. The Limits of Competence: Knowledge, Higher Education and Society. Buckingham.: Open University Press,, 1994. Print.

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 J., Gee. Learning and identity: What does it mean to be a half-elf? n.p., 2003. Print.

 Windeatt S, Hardisty D & Eastment D. The Internet. OUP, 2000. Print.

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How to Cite

DEEPAK J. MASHRU. (2015). Acquiring proficiency in English Language through Video recordings. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 1(3). Retrieved from