Toni Morrison as a Womanist

Toni Morrison as a Womanist


  • Dholariya Vaishali J.


In literature we perceive the roles of women evolving through ages, but until recent times, most of published authors were men and depictions of women in literature is biased. There is literacy was strictly limited for female. When women want to write something they allowed to write in the room. When a woman comes with pen it becomes perilous for the process of writing provides her with a better sagacity to her own thoughts and emotions. Women gradually began to write and think for them, they commenced to write what they feel and suffer from this stereotype society. Many female authors converted their feelings into words and write about female and being a female in the society Chloe Anthony Wofford Morrison born on February 18,1931 in Lorain, Ohio, to Ramah and George Wofford. She known as another name of Toni Morrison , was an American novelist, essayist, book editor and professor. She graduated at Howard University in Washington, 1949. From childhood she interested to reads many European and African writers with different languages.


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Dholariya Vaishali J. (2020). Toni Morrison as a Womanist. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(3). Retrieved from