Analyzing the Evolution of Social Media Platforms and Their Influence on Retail Outlet Marketing in India

Analyzing the Evolution of Social Media Platforms and Their Influence on Retail Outlet Marketing in India


  • Gaurav Dhingra Capital University Jharkhand, PHD Scholar in Management Program
  • Dr. Ashok Kumar
  • Dr. Vijay Vrat Arya


Social Media, Retail Outlet Marketing, India, Digital Transformation, Consumer Behavior, Online Presence, Customer Engagement, Brand Building, Sales Promotion


This study delves at how companies in India have adjusted their advertising campaigns to account for the popularity of social media. During the last decade, the proliferation of social media in India has influenced a shift in consumers' shopping patterns. The proliferation of social media is mostly to blame for this occurrence. The impact of social media on conventional Indian businesses is discussed. This study uses quantitative and qualitative methods to explore the ways in which Indian company owners use social media for marketing. We look at the practical applications of these technologies in this study. The impact of social media on consumers' expectations and behavior is being studied. Social media platforms provide company owners unparalleled opportunities to build relationships with consumers, expand their reach, and boost revenue. The difficulties encountered by Indian business owners in the ever-changing digital landscape are also discussed. The article concludes by stressing the need of social media marketing and a strong online presence for Indian stores to keep up with the competition and meet the needs of contemporary consumers.


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How to Cite

Gaurav Dhingra, Dr. Ashok Kumar, & Dr. Vijay Vrat Arya. (2023). Analyzing the Evolution of Social Media Platforms and Their Influence on Retail Outlet Marketing in India. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(6). Retrieved from