Vijay Tendulkar's Kanyadaan: Critical Analysis of Caste-conflict

Vijay Tendulkar's Kanyadaan: Critical Analysis of Caste-conflict


  • Dr. Pradipsinh B. Zala


Whenever caste in society becomes dominants a conflict between higher class and lower class becomes prominent in Indian society. As the title suggest, Kanyadaan deals with the theme of marriage. Vijay Tendulkar’s Kanyadaan a short play with only seven characters focuses on caste-conflict between a Dalit educated young man and a Brahmin middle class family. It shows that how a Dalit man treated a Brahmin girl after marriage. The problem of the consequence of the marriage Tendulkar shows is self-created. The play deals with psychological study of the social situations caused by casteism in India. Through the character of ‘Arun and Jyoti’ Vijay Tendulkar successfully exposed the hyporical behavior and attitude of a dalit man towards upper caste people in the society.

This paper seeks to present the conflict of casteism in India with reference to Vijay Tendulkar’s play Kanyadaan.


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C.Raghvendra, Reddy,S (2013) Vijay Tendulkar's Kanyadaan; Exploration of Caste based conflict in Indian Society. International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, ISSN 2249-9598, Vol -III (Special Issue)

Tendulkar, V (1996). Kanyadaan, Oxford University Press, New Delhi. Translated by Gowri Ramnarayan.

Tendulkar,V (2007). Collected Plays in Translation: Kanyadaan, New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Translated by Gowri Narayan. Fourth Impression.

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How to Cite

Dr. Pradipsinh B. Zala. (2023). Vijay Tendulkar’s Kanyadaan: Critical Analysis of Caste-conflict. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(1). Retrieved from