
  • Pragya Manghnani
  • Urvashi Kumari
  • Ishwari Petakr
  • Aditi Akadkar


Customer churn, telecommunication, services, rate, revenue


The main thing is to directly estimate client survival rates in the telecom diligence and client threat serves as a tool to completely understand client churn over time. relating to the guests who are on the edge of leaving and estimating when they will do so is another thing. Client churn vaticination has drawn further attention from businesses, especially those working in the telecommunications industry. multitudinous authors have offered colorful duplications of churn vaticination models that are heavily grounded on data mining principles and employ machine literacy and meta- heuristic algorithms. The purpose of this paper is to examine some of the most significant churn vaticination styles created in recent times. The thing of this paper is to dissect churn vaticination ways in order to fetch churn addresses and confirm the causes of client churn. This article summarizes churn prediction methods in order to gain a better understanding of client churn. It also demonstrates that mongrel models, as opposed to single algorithms, give the most accurate churn prognostications, allowing telecom diligence to more understand the requirements of high- threat guests and modify their services consequently.


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How to Cite

Pragya Manghnani, Urvashi Kumari, Ishwari Petakr, & Aditi Akadkar. (2023). CUSTOMER CHURN PREDICTION. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si7), 259–292. Retrieved from