The Student Preferences of Teacher’s Corrective Feedback on Speaking Ability Among Junior High School

The Student Preferences of Teacher’s Corrective Feedback on Speaking Ability Among Junior High School


  • Eko Sakinah Amriani Rumalean


Corrective Feedback, Student Preference, Speaking Ability


The purpose of this study is to 1) discover how students respond to corrective feedback from teachers during the teaching and learning process of speaking skills. 2) What kinds of corrective feedback do teachers typically give in class, and what kinds of corrective feedback do students prefer? This research included 23 students from MTs Yabunayyah in Jayapura City. This study used a combination of qualitative and descriptive qualitative approaches. Questionnaires and interviews were used as research tools by the researchers. This study describes the findings of student preferences for teacher feedback on the outcomes of English speaking at Madrasah Tsanawiyah  Yabunayyah (MTs)  Jayapura City. based on data results in the form of numbers and interview results that show the most dominant priority and become the student's choice of feedback aspects Speaking to students from the teacher According to the findings of this study, the results of the recapitulation analysis of the dominance of the teacher feedback category on students' English speaking emphasize more on direct feedback, namely the teacher directly comments or forms the correct error correction approach and provides a brief explanation of the answer. This analysis demonstrates that students prefer to receive direct feedback because the highest average score obtained is in the form of direct feedback.


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Eko Sakinah Amriani Rumalean. (2023). The Student Preferences of Teacher’s Corrective Feedback on Speaking Ability Among Junior High School. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(4). Retrieved from