Crime as a Socio-cultural Issue in Select Novels of Peter Robinson

Crime as a Socio-cultural Issue in Select Novels of Peter Robinson


  • Divyarajsinh Vanar


Socio-cultural issues is something that create disturbance in the social structure. Either it is organized or unorganized if it effects society one or the other way it is termed as social problem. As crime is a violation of given law and creates a state of tension in the smoothly running society that's why it is labeled as one of the biggest social problem. Crime represents a type of formal deviation from social customs and norms administered by an authority or state. But it is difficult to measure the intensity of crime in any society because it is not a weather that we measured it accurately. Usually when crime occurs, only the criminal and the victim, and sometimes an occasional witness, know about it. We thus have an incomplete picture of the crime problem, but because of various data sources we still have a pretty good understanding of how much crime exists and of who is most likely to commit it and be victimized by it.


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i. Gallows view (1987)

ii. A Dedicated Man (1988)

iii. A Necessary End (1989)

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How to Cite

Divyarajsinh Vanar. (2023). Crime as a Socio-cultural Issue in Select Novels of Peter Robinson. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(4). Retrieved from