Multilingual perspective of English language teaching

Multilingual perspective of English language teaching


  • Dr. Amita Devasya Patel


Multilingualism, Mother tongue, curriculum, cultural diversity, pedagogy


India is a country with diverse cultures and many languages, so it does not suitable for monolingual methods. Some languages ​​have their own alphabets, others do not. In such a difficult situation, Indian students must receive proper edification in their natal language and need to acquire the target language, here English proficiency that is the need of an hour. The Indian education system has undergone voluminous changes. Multilingualism in English classes has become the order of the day. Students with different cultural backgrounds and different native languages ​​should teach English using their native language to familiarize students with English. It's time for teachers to get creative and explore ways to make teaching and learning in the bilingual/multilingual English classroom interesting and effective. This paper reflects the obstacles of teaching English in multilingual classrooms, the benefits of multilingualism, and innovative ways to integrate English into multilingual classrooms for more effective teaching.


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Mahendra K. Mishra and Anand Mahanand Published by Viva Books, 2017References

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How to Cite

Dr. Amita Devasya Patel. (2023). Multilingual perspective of English language teaching. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(4). Retrieved from