Globalization and Language

Globalization and Language


  • Vanita Sharma


Globalization is basically a process of integration of different languages, world’s economies, cultures etc. Today its clearly visible that everyone is connected in the world for their personal and business purposes. The effect of globalization can be seen in every field like language, education, technology, flow of investment and information. English language has a great impact of globalization and due to this a large number of people have started learning English as a second language. Arjun Appadurai defines “globalization as a multi-way process involving flows of ideas, ideologies, people, goods, images, messages, technologies and techniques.” (1)

We can never deny this fact that knowing a language makes one a human because it is only language that assists one for being able to speak and to be understood by the others. Language is ubiquitous as it is present everywhere.  Even Birds and animals have their own language. In the critical situations of life, it helps one to come up with the competitive spirit of growth and knowledge of the things which were earlier unknown. Language is a bridge which connects people globally to meet the changing trends of the mass. No language is inferior or superior: rather one can say that each language is unique.


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Appadurai, Arjun (2001). Globalization. Duke University Press, Durham, NC

Manfred B. Steger, Globalization: A Very Short Introduction (2003), Oxford.

Ged, G. (2013). Conscious Reconstruction: The Effects of Second Language Acquisition on Self-Perception of Gender Identity.

Seppala, M. (2011). The Effects of the English Language on the Cultural Identity of Chinese university students.

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How to Cite

Vanita Sharma. (2021). Globalization and Language. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from