Iris identification Method of Biometric Authentication

Iris identification Method of Biometric Authentication


  • Nidhi Ghanshyam Joshi


Biometric authentication, Iris recognition, Normalization, Segmentation


The iris is the colored, donut-shaped portion of the eye behind the cornea and surrounds
the pupil. A person’s iris pattern is unique and remains unchanged throughout life. Also,
covered by the cornea, the iris is well protected from damage, making it a suitable body part
for biometric BIOMETRICs is the measurement of human physiological characteristics for
security reasons. There are so many types of biometrics existed including finger print, iris
recognition, voice recognition. From the above mentioned biometric techniques Iris
recognition gives better security and it has more advantages over other types of biometric
authentication methods.


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How to Cite

Nidhi Ghanshyam Joshi. (2021). Iris identification Method of Biometric Authentication. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from