Damping Of Oscillations In Power System Using Fuzzy Logic Controller
PSS: Power System Stabilizer, AVR: Automatic Voltage Regulator, SMIB: Single Machine Connected to infinite bus, CPSS: Conventional power System stabilizer, FLPSS: Fuzzy Logic Based Power System StabilizerAbstract
Low frequency oscillations are a common problem in large inter connected supply system. Damping oscillations is required for the electrical system to operate safely and steadily.
Low frequency oscillations can be caused by weak tie lines, high AVR gain, and minor disturbances such slight variations in load or generation. These oscillations reduce the transmission lines' capacity to transport power, can lead to synchronization loss, and occasionally even cause the power system to fail. One useful tool for reducing these oscillations is the Power System Stabilizer. To reduce oscillations, PSS gives the excitation system an extra control signal. Traditional lead lag every operating circumstance can not be satisfactorily operated by a power system stabilizer that is built for a certain operating point. Genetic algorithms, neural networks, and fuzzy logic are examples of artificial intelligence-based techniques that are utilized to get around the drawbacks of traditional power system stabilizers.
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