A Study of Exam Anxiety of the Students of Std IXth of Ahmedabad City

A Study of Exam Anxiety of the Students of Std IXth of Ahmedabad City


  • Jadav Rohini Sanabhai


Study, Exam, Anxiety, Exam Anxiety, Secondary class IX students


The major aim of this research study was to find out the Exam Anxiety of the students of Std IXth of Ahmedabad City in context to Gender, Zone and Types of Schools. A sample of 320 students was selected with multi –stage method from three schools from East and three from west of Ahmedabad city. Data were collected by using the standardized tool of Exam Anxiety Scale prepared by Dr. R.S.Patel. The data were analyzed using mean, Standardized deviation, t- test for the analysis followed by its interpretation. Result showed that the boys have more exam anxiety than compared to girls, East zone students have more exam anxiety than compared to West zone and students belonging to grant in aid have more exam anxiety than compared to non-granted schools. It is concluded that exam anxiety is found in the students before, during and after exams. Researcher has provided the techniques to overcome it and suggestions are given for teachers and parents. It is believed that this research work will be useful to the students, teachers, parents and society at large.


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How to Cite

Jadav Rohini Sanabhai. (2023). A Study of Exam Anxiety of the Students of Std IXth of Ahmedabad City. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si1). Retrieved from http://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1476