A Study on Investment Pattern and Awareness of Youth in Rajkot City

A Study on Investment Pattern and Awareness of Youth in Rajkot City


  • Neepa Tanna


Saving, Investment, Awareness, Pattern


"Precious investments and savings are essential for a stable financial future." It is necessary to comprehend and examine this basic reality. Understanding the awareness, patterns, and decision-making process of mass investors requires a thorough understanding of two crucial concepts: savings and investments. Investors have a variety of goals in mind when they invest their money, including profit, security, and appreciation. Young investors have many alternatives to choose from when it comes to investing since they have a healthy risk appetite, a long-time horizon, and the desire to receive a solid return on their money until they are 40 years old. There are many different investment options on the market, including real estate, bank and post office deposits, equity markets, mutual funds, physical gold, and equity markets.

Any country must follow that public savings must be directed towards investments. Investors have access to a wide range of investment opportunities, but frequently they are unaware of them; occasionally, there is a deficiency in investment awareness. The capital appreciation of an investment is the aim of the investors. The primary data used in this study was gathered by using a questionnaire with a sample size of 62 respondents from the Rajkot city of Gujarat, India, using a convenience sampling method. They will be questioned about their investment pattern and awareness in detail. The study attempted to find out the investment pattern & awareness of youth in Rajkot city, Gujarat.


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How to Cite

Neepa Tanna. (2023). A Study on Investment Pattern and Awareness of Youth in Rajkot City. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si1). Retrieved from http://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1467