A Study of Corporate Governance Practices: With Refe Rence to Selected Bank in India

A Study of Corporate Governance Practices: With Refe Rence to Selected Bank in India




Corporate Governance, Public Sector, Private Sector, SEBI, Economic Growth


This study aims to identify effective corporate governance practices within both the public and private sectors of India by analyzing the annual reports of selected banks in accordance with the recommendations provided by SEBI and various committees dedicated to enhancing corporate governance standards. The analysis is segmented into distinct sections, each scrutinizing the compliance and adherence to corporate governance norms. Emphasis is placed on the significance of corporate governance for several compelling reasons.

  • Failure to adopt an effective corporate governance system or the absence of such a system can result in the bank's insolvency.
  • The lack of good corporate governance practices can erode trust and confidence.
  • Within the nation's financial system, people's trust in the banking sector plays a pivotal role amid rapid economic growth.
  • Robust corporate governance fosters stakeholder confidence and strengthens the banking system.

The analysis reveals that private sector banks exhibit a greater commitment to corporate governance norms compared to public sector banks, primarily due to stringent policies, board committee structure, and market competition.


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Indian writer's e-journal Vol – 4, Apr-May-June– 2019.

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Ayesha Tabassum, a comparative review of corporate governance practices within banking sector (private, public and foreign banks): an empirical review, article, asian journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, VOL 3, NO 8 (2015) Impact Factor: 0.92T.


www.hdfcbanck.com Annual report 2018-19

www.pnbindia.in Annual report 2018-19

www.bankofbaroda.in Annual report 2018-19

www.sbi.co.in Annual report 2018-19

www.bankofindia.co.in Annual report 2018-19

www.axisbank.com Annual report 2018-19

www.kotak.com Annual report 2018-19

www.indusland.com Annual report 2018-19

www.icicibank.com Annual report 2018-19

www.idbi.com Annual report 2018-19

www.moneycontrol.com Annual report 2018-19

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How to Cite

KAJAL N. SATANI. (2023). A Study of Corporate Governance Practices: With Refe Rence to Selected Bank in India. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si1). Retrieved from http://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1452