Efficiency and Scalability of Distributed Databases

Efficiency and Scalability of Distributed Databases


  • Tosha Amit Joshi


Efficiency, Scalability, Distributed Databases, Scalability Metrics, Horizontal vs. Vertical Scalability, Scalability Graphs, Speed Up in Databases, Types of Scalabilities


Distributed databases have become a cornerstone of modern data management systems, offering unparalleled advantages in terms of scalability, high availability, and fault tolerance. This research paper delves into the efficiency and scalability of distributed databases, with a focus on key concepts, metrics, and the various factors influencing their performance. We explore the differences between horizontal and vertical scalability, the notion of speed up, and the critical types of scalabilities and speed up. Additionally, we discuss the factors that impact scalability and evaluate various types of databases. Understanding the efficiency and scalability of distributed databases is essential for architects and administrators to make informed decisions in the era of big data and complex applications. This research paper provides an overview of the efficiency and scalability of distributed databases. For more in-depth analysis and specific case studies, further research and investigation are recommended.


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How to Cite

Tosha Amit Joshi. (2023). Efficiency and Scalability of Distributed Databases. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si1). Retrieved from http://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1449